There are many ways for you to join us in learning, loving, and serving.
You are invited to participate in any of the activities listed on this page. The schedules are typical but sometimes must change, so we encourage you to contact the church office to verify that the group is meeting. There are other activities and opportunities that are not listed but these are the most regular. We hope that you will come enjoy life following Jesus with us.

Youth at Manning
Middle School through College youth meet Sundays at 5:30 pm in the youth room. The gathering starts with a group meal, followed by a group lesson, game, and open gym. We strive to foster loving relationships and nurture disciples of Christ, in order that the youth my reach out in service to others. We are a close-knit family that has fun together and has room for you! We participate in local mission projects, weekly prayer breakfasts, special trips, Revolution, Salkehatchie Summer service, and various other activities. If you are interested, email our Youth Director through the Staff page and let her know.

Children in Action
1st through 5th grade children meet after school on Wednesdays, 3:00 - 4:00 pm. The programs consists of fun Bible lessons, crafts, games, play, and lots of laughter. They spend some time preparing for service as acolytes, learning music to share in worship, and service projects. If you are interested, email our Program Secretary from the Staff page or call the office.

Bible and Book Studies
Studies of a book of the Holy Bible (or books concerning biblical topics and life concerns) take place several times a year. We also offer the Disciple Bible Study. You can click here to open a page where current studies and their locations and times will be listed.

Seniors at Manning
We seek to provid our seniors with opportunities for spiritual growth, fellowship, and learning as well as a network for support, and recreational opportunities. The seniors participate in various bi-monthly trips and activities including trips to the Creche Festival, boat tours of Charleston, and tours of McLeod farms.

Men's Ministry
The Manning United Methodist Men’s group is a fellowship of men who meet on the 2nd Monday of the month (6:30 PM) for an excellent meal, a speaker, and prayer. Throughout the year they raise funds which benefit the the community at large and the congregation's ministries. For further information, please email the pastor from our Staff page.

Women's Ministry
We have several small groups for women which are called "Circles." They meet at various times for prayer and support:
Nelle Wells Circle: 2nd Tuesday at 10 a.m.
Jane Craft Circle: 2nd Thursday 2 at p.m.
Myrtle Strange Circle: 3rd Monday at 6:30 p.m.

Stephen Ministers
Our people are trained and equipped to serve as spiritual companions to anyone who is transitioning through various life situations including bereavement, chronic illness, and divorce. A care-giving relationship is formed and will continue until one or both parties feel it is no longer needed. Participants receive 50 hours of training and meet regularly to provide one another with support and accountability. If interested in participating, email our director from the Staff page.

Music is a vital part of our worship. Singing and listening bring our sometimes over-active minds to a quiet center, ready to hear God’s word. We welcome all musical talent to our music program! Do you play an instrument or sing? We can give you a place to honor the One who has gifted you with your talents. Our Chancel Choir is primarily made up of adults, but younger members are welcome. A Ladies Ensemble, Handbell Choir, and Youth Choir are also active at various times. We meet for rehearsals on Wednesday evenings at 7:00 p.m.

Loving our neighbors
Part of our vision is to be a people that loves our neighbors. We have a prayer team that meets weekly to pray for our members and people in the community. We work with United Ministries of Clarendon County and others to provide food and other relief, Salkehatchie Summer Service to help with repairing homes, blood drives, and other service opportunities. We trust that we will continue to grow in service to and love for others. We hope that you will join us in that.